Tulips have many colors and a good appearance and are deeply liked by many people. Generally, they also choose to send tulips. There are two ways to maintain tulips: flower arrangement and hydroponics.

When arranging flowers, first prepare a small vase, fill it with half the water, and trim the stems of the packaged tulips slightly sideways.

Allow them to sit in the water for about half an hour so that they can absorb water to replenish the moisture lost during transportation. Then cut off the leaves at the bottom of the tulips with scissors, not by hand, as hand tearing will damage the protective layer on the flower stem.

Cut the root of the flower stem into a flat mouth with scissors. Pay special attention here, as after filling the water, the tulips should not be cut obliquely, as an oblique cut can easily lead to the bottom of the flower stem bursting and curling at the edges.

The length standard of pruning tulip stems (with scissors) is that the height of the flower leaves beyond the mouth of the bottle and the height of the vase should be about 1:1, and the part on the mouth of the bottle should not be left too long.

The standard for pruning leaves is that no leaves should be left below the mouth of the bottle. If the tulip stalk stays too long, exceeding the 1:1 ratio of the bottle, it is prone to bending.

When arranging flowers with other flowers, the tulip stalk is soft and the flower head is heavy, so it is easy to fall to one side. We should cut its pole short or insert it into the middle of other flowers.

Don't worry after cutting it short, as the tulips can grow long again. Tulips like sunshine and can be given a little sunshine appropriately, but the sunshine every day should not be too long, not more than 3 hours.

Hydroponic culture needs to be carried out in the following four steps.

1. Soak the flowers in the water.

Before raising tulips in water, all the branches should be soaked in water to wake up the flowers, to avoid plants withering due to lack of water. the best way is to cut off a section of the branches at the bottom of the tulips and increase the water absorption area. to prevent the water absorption from getting worse because of the blockage of the water hole.

2. Pruning branches.

After the tulip branches are soaked for an hour or two, they can be taken out for pruning, first removing the extra leaves from the branches, leaving only one or two pairs of leaves on each branch, and then picking off the petals that are in poor condition on the outer layer of the flower.

3. Arrange flowers into a bottle.

The vase generally chooses a transparent glass container to facilitate the observation of the growth of tulips, then insert the treated branches into the bottle, the water level is 2/3 of the vase, be careful not to soak into the leaves of the plant, it is easy to rot.

4. Late maintenance.

After the tulip is inserted into the vase, it should be placed in a well-ventilated and dry place indoors to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise, the survival time of the flowers and branches will be reduced, and the water will be changed every three to five days to ensure the cleanliness of the water quality. a small amount of sugar can be added after each change of water to keep it fresh.