Everyone has a childhood dream of space, especially when you know that the sky is full of stars and planets.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to go to space.

The cost of rigorous medical examinations and training for astronauts is also very high, which most ordinary people can not afford.

So is there a cheaper way for ordinary people to fly into space?

Someone came up with a good idea. Since the rocket cost is so high, and there is also a variety of medical examinations. So what about the hot air balloon that can also fly into the sky.

In some outdoor tourist attractions, you can often see hot air balloons, which can take a few people to fly high into the sky.

If there is a slight modification to the hot air balloon, can it send people into space?

Hot air balloons can fly high into the sky with an ignition device.

The principle is simple, with the air density differences, the hot air balloon will be able to fly into the sky.

When the balloon is filled with air, due to the same density inside and outside the balloon, there is no density difference, and the balloon is unable to fly.

There is a very simple way, to put an ignition device under the balloon, when the air inside the balloon is heated, it will be heated and expand.

The gas inside and outside the balloon will then produce a density difference and can take off.

Many people may ask since the hot air balloon flight is so simple to achieve, why do we need to launch a rocket into space, which is not a waste of money?

When the hot air balloon flies higher, the air will become thinner.

In other words, the density difference between the inside and outside of the balloon will gradually become smaller.

Due to the limitation of the size of the hot air balloon, the flight height of the hot air balloon is normally a few hundred to a few thousand meters.

However, in 2005, an Indian person took his own special hot air balloon and flew to a height of 21,290 meters.

A few years ago, a company, made a very large balloon, filled it with hydrogen gas inside, and installed a sealed chamber below.

Even so, when the balloon rose to about 50,000 meters, because the air is very thin, but also reached the maximum height.

So what if the hot air balloon flies to a height of 50,000 meters and suddenly falls?

If it is true that at 50,000 meters, the probability of falling from such an altitude is nothing good.