Airplanes have become a vital mode of transportation for people around the world.

Prior to the pandemic, the International Civil Aviation Organization recorded an average of over 100,000 flights taking off and landing daily, with more than 4 billion people traveling each year on approximately 39 million flights. Today, let's delve into some fascinating facts about airplanes.

Where does the air in airplane cabins come from?

Airplane cabins are equipped with a sophisticated system that draws in low-temperature and low-pressure air from the external environment during the flight. This air is then pressurized, heated, filtered, and directed into the cabin through a dedicated pipeline.

Additionally, the aircraft's air circulation system is meticulously designed to eliminate harmful microorganisms, ensuring a safe and clean breathing environment for passengers.

Why do airplanes experience turbulence?

Turbulence can be likened to a ship navigating rough seas or a car traversing rugged mountain roads. It occurs when an aircraft encounters unstable air currents, particularly when flying near thunderstorms.

These atmospheric disturbances cause the aircraft to experience bumps and jolts. However, turbulence is a normal part of flying and is typically not a cause for concern, as modern airplanes are built to withstand such conditions.

What are the white streaks often seen trailing from the back of planes?

These white streaks, known as contrails, are commonly observed behind high-flying airplanes. They are formed due to the interaction of cold and thin air at high altitudes with the hot exhaust gases expelled from aircraft engines.

The extreme temperature difference, with exhaust temperatures reaching approximately 600 degrees Celsius, causes condensation to occur, similar to the vapor that forms when hot breath meets cold air in winter.

How do airplane toilets work?

Airplane toilets are typically designed using either vacuum or chemical systems. Vacuum toilets utilize negative pressure to extract waste and wastewater, storing them in dedicated storage tanks until the aircraft lands for proper disposal.

On the other hand, chemical toilets employ specific chemicals to sanitize and control odors from waste and wastewater. These substances are stored in dedicated containers, which are emptied and serviced upon reaching the ground.

Why are airplane windows round?

Unlike the square or rectangular windows commonly found in traditional buildings, airplane windows are typically circular. This design choice is driven by several factors:

Pressure dispersion: During high-altitude flights, there is a significant difference in air pressure between the cabin and the external environment. Circular windows are better equipped to handle this intense pressure differential, reducing the risk of window failure or rupture.

Structural strength: Round windows possess greater strength and durability compared to their square counterparts. They can effectively withstand external forces and vibrations, enhancing overall window integrity and passenger safety.

Manufacturing and installation simplicity: Circular windows are relatively easy to manufacture and install, requiring less complex edge and support structures. This simplification streamlines production processes, reducing costs and saving time.

What is the purpose of an airplane's black box?

Airplanes are equipped with two essential devices known as black boxes: the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder. These devices play a crucial role in gathering vital information during flights.

The flight data recorder, typically located at the tail of the aircraft, records various flight parameters such as altitude, speed, altitude, heading, control surface movements, and system statuses.

This recorded data is invaluable for accident investigations and flight safety analysis, providing crucial insights into the causes of accidents and the actions of pilots during flight.

The cockpit voice recorder, installed in the cockpit, captures voice communications among the pilots and crew, as well as ambient sounds during the flight. It records conversations, alarm signals, engine noises, and other significant audio events.

These recordings serve as important references for understanding cockpit communications, identifying critical auditory cues, and analyzing any relevant sound-related incidents.